Managing Plots
Claiming Chunks
To claim a chunk for your town, stand in the chunk you want to claim (to see chunks press f3+g simultaneously). From there you'll need to type /t claim or /claim. (Co-Mayor+)
Farm Plots
Farm plots are plots citizens can access outside of their plot claims. These plots include their own set of settings to manage. To mark a claimed chunk to a farm chunk you can do /t farm (Officer+).
Player Plots
Player plots are plots citizens can access outside of farm claims. These plots include their own set of settings to manage. To mark a claimed chunk to a player plot chunk you can do /t plot (Officer+). To assign a plot to a player, Officer+ would need to stand in the chunk and do /t plot assign (player) (Officer+). This will be where a player can build inside of the town.
Town Settings
There are several town flags you can enable. You can change town flags between regular chunks, farm chunks, and plot chunks. Below are each of the flags you can change/edit. (Co-Mayor+)
Created by : soolar__
Last updated