Chest Shops Guide
Want to make a shop at your base to sell items to other players, or even buy items from other players?
Getting Started
Chest shops are a convenient and simple way to sell and buy things from and to other players. All you need to get started are some chests/barrels and wooden signs.All you will need to do is place the sign on the chest while crouching, so it won’t just private the chest, and use the right format to set it up. Do keep in mind that since barrels can only have 1 type of item, it does not work with barter shop since that requires the use of 2 items.
How to set one up
To set a chest shop up once you have the tools is simple, you just type on the sign the correct format depending on which type of shop you are interested in creating. Whether that is a buy shop, a sell shop, a combo shop which allows for both the purchase and sale of an item, or a barter shop:
Buy Shop | Sell Shop | Combo Shop | Barter Shop |
[shop] | [shop] | [shop] | [shop] |
Quantity | Quantity | Quantity | Item 1 Quantity |
Price | Price | Buy/Sell Price | Item 2 Quantity |
Buy | Sell | Combo | Barter |
In these formats, the quantity is the amount of the thing you want to sell at once. Price is the cost to buy/sell the amount specified in quantity, and the last line specifies whether you are buying said item, selling it, doing both or bartering.
After the sign is made properly, it will show in red on the chest, that is when you give it the item you want the shop to be about. You give it the item you want to sell/buy by left clicking the red chest sign with the desired item on hand.
If you did it correctly, the sign will change accordingly to show the item you have selected as being in the sign for the chest shop. From there you can fill the chest with the desired item to sell, or leave it empty for buying from others.
Buy Shop
A buy shop is a way for a player to buy items from another player. In the example I am buying a stack of sand from another player for $100.
Sell Shop
A sell shop is a way for a player to sell items to another player. In the example I am selling a stack of sand to another player for $100.
Combo Shop
A combo shop is a way for a player to buy/sell items to another player. In the example i am buying a stack of sand from another player for $50 & selling a stack of sand to another player for $100.
Bartering Shop
Bartering is a fascinating and different way to create a chest shop, it allows you to trade items instead of buying or selling for the game currency. So if you want to sell an item but only want a specific other item in return then this is the option for you. You will be essentially trading players one item for another.
In this example I am bartering 5 Jack o'Lanterns for 20 Sand. (The player who gives me Sand will receive 5 Jack o'Lanterns and i will receive the sand).
Shop Timeout
Do keep in mind that if you type the format for your shop but fail to add an item within a minute or two the chest shop creation will time out, shown as this:
Once that happens you just need to break the sign and place it again.
Created by DarkLinkS
Reworked by soolar__
Last updated