Network Nodes
Network Controller
The Network Controller is the network's central processing unit. A network cannot function without a controller, and it cannot have multiple controllers.
A Network block will become a child node of the Controller as long as it is connected to the Controller via a series of other Network Nodes.
A Network Probe on a Controller can be used to determine which nodes are connected to the Controller, the number of those nodes, and the total volume of items stored in the Network as a whole.
Network Grid / Network Crafting Grid
The Network Grids are a player's view of the items that are currently stored/exposed in/to the Network. Every single item contained within Cells, exposed by Monitors, and withheld by Crafters is displayed in a single, multi-page GUI.
Items can be removed by left-clicking on them one at a time (repeat to add more to the held stack).
Items in a stack can also be removed by right clicking on them.
The crafting grid does the exact same, but does minimizes the amount of items you can see in order to fit a 3x3 crafting grid within the network!
An input string can be used to narrow down either grid. To filter the Grid, click the 'search' button (nametag) and type any matching string in chat. Typing 'sword' returns all Swords; typing 'axe' returns all Axes, and so on.
Network Bridge
The Network Bridge's purpose is straightforward: to easily and cheaply bridge gaps in your network. It is the cheapest Network block to make, but it does nothing but extend the Network outwards.
Network Cell
A Network cell is the most basic form of storage for a Network.
A Cell can store 54 stacks of items (a double-chest's worth) inside itself.
Cells do not need a Network Monitor attached to expose it's items to the Network.
You also do not need to bridge cells together; Cells, like any other Network Node, extend the network to neighbor cells.
Network Monitor
The Network Monitor exists to 'expose' a network-connected Inventory. When you right-click it, a directional interface appears, allowing you to choose which adjacent block to expose. When selected, the contents of that inventory are then exposed to the Network; the exposed items will appear in Grids, and Nodes can request/submit items from/to the Inventory as appropriate.
Network Importer
The primary function of the Network Importer is to allow a player to bring items from a Cargo Network into a Networks Network. The Importer has 9 slots, each of which can be used for Cargo. The Network will attempt to import items from each of these 9 slots with each Slimefun tick.
Network Exporter
The primary function of the Network Importer is to allow a player to remove items from the Network for pickup by a Cargo Network. The Exporter will take a single Item in its 'filter' slot and will withdraw a single stack from the Network using the standard Withdrawal Ruleset and bring it into the output slot once per Slimefun Tick. This output slot accepts cargo.
Network Grabber
The Network Grabber is a Directional Network Node with the sole purpose of 'grabbing' items from the target Slimefun Block and bringing them into the Network. The target block must be a Slimefun Block with slots that can be accessed via Cargo out. There must be room in the Network for the item. Because the Grabber is a directional interface, it is compatible with the Network Configurator.
Network Pusher
The Network Pusher is a Directional Network Node that exists solely to 'push' items from the Network's exposed items into the target Slimefun Block. The target block must be a Slimefun Block with slots that can be accessed by Cargo. The item must have room in the Slimefun Blocks. The Pusher has a slot that serves as a "template" for determining which item should be withdrawn from the Network. Because the Pusher is a directional interface, it is compatible with the Network Configurator.
Network Vanilla Grabber
The Network Vanilla Grabber is a Direction Network Node that exists solely to 'grab' items from a vanilla invetory. In order to make this successfully grab items, you need to set a regular Network Grabber's target block the Vanilla Grabber. This will grab whatever items are being pulled into the Network Vanilla Grabber and put it into the network. You need to set the direction of the Vanilla Grabber to whatevre vanilla inventory it is pulling from.
Network Vanilla Pusher
The Network Vanilla Pusher is a Direction Network Node that exists solely to 'push' items into a vanilla invetory. In order to make this successfully push items, you need to set a regular Network Pusher's target block the Vanilla Pusher. This will push whatever items that are being pushed into the Network Vanilla Grabber and put it into the vanilla storage. You need to set the direction of the Vanilla Grabber to whatever vanilla inventory it is pushing into.
Network Purger
The Network Purger is a straightforward block with a single goal: to remove a single matching item from the Network. The Purger uses a single item as a 'template' and will remove a whole stack of a matching item from the Network - wherever it is found - once per Slimefun tick.
Network Capacitor
The Network Capacitors are power-storing blocks that allow the Network to maintain a charge. The total power of a network is the sum of all connected capacitor charges. A Capacitor is charged in the same way that any other Slimefun Block is. Charge cannot be returned to the EnergyNet from the Network.
Network Power Display
When you right-click on the Network Power Display, it will display the current total power contained within all attached Network Capacitors.
Network Recipe Encoder
The Network Recipe Encoder is the block responsible for adding recipes to Crafting Blueprints. To encode a recipe, place a Crafting Blueprint in the Blueprint Slot first (blue background). Then, in the middle grid, place the items used to create your desired output. When you're ready, click the Encode button. The output will be placed in the bottom right corner and is ready for Auto Crafters to read.
Quantum Storage Units
Quantum Storage is Network's deep storage attempt. They function by storing items inside Quantum storage units by specifying the filter for the item to be stored. To do this, right-click the red glass pane containing the item you want to save. Shift right click the red stained glass/item it's storing to prevent it from voiding. To the left, you can manually insert items into the quantum storage. To the right, you can remove one stack of items from the quantum storage unit at a time.
Quantum storages require a Network Monitor to be attached and pointed at in order for the items in the storage unit to be exposed.
Network Power Outlet
Network Power Outlets are a way to put energy back into your power net/to power existing machines.
Created by soolar__
Last updated