Automated Electromagnets
Electromagnets are used for basically every slimefun machine, so in this article we will show you how to automate them!
This guide requires Cargo management to to automate removal of items from the machine(s), see cargo management! for an example
List of Items/Requirements:
A source of cobblestone (Harvesters or Inputting Cobblestone)
1 Electrified Crucible
1 Vaporizer
Automated Dust (Link)
Automated Redstone
3 Electric Ingot Factories (Any Tier)
3 Electric Smelteries (Any Tier)
11 Input Nodes
11 Advanced Output Nodes
Step 1: Automating Cobblestone & Redstone
In order to begin automating electromagnets, you will have to ensure you have a constant supply of cobblestone and redstone. To do so, you will have to set up a miner harvester next to a cobblestone generator, so it will start mining the blocks and those will regenerate. Link your harvester by putting an input node on it, which will then start to transport the materials to the places we will need them at later! You can use a Lapidary Synthesizer to automate redstone.
Step 2: Automating Sulfate
For automating sulfate, you will need the first 2 machines, the electrified crucible and the vaporizer! Supply the electrified crucible with 16 buckets and the cobblestone from step 1! It will now produce lava buckets, send those to the vaporizer, where each lava bucket will be turned into 16 sulfate. These will later be used to craft batteries in step 4! Use the cargo nodes to also return the empty buckets from the vaporizer to the electrified crucible, else your system will clog and not work properly anymore!
Step 3: Automating All Required Ingots
Some of the next required steps to craft electromagnets will need zinc, copper and iron ingots. In order to automate them, use the 3 electric ingot factories and put one of those three dust types in each of the output nodes. The dusts will now be smelted and turned to ingots, so we will be able to use them later! Remember to put the input node on the ingot factory for copper and zinc on smart-filling mode, as those will only be used in the auto-crafter for batteries in step 5!
Step 4: Automating Nickel, Copper and Magnets
In order to automate those 3 materials, you will have to use the electric smelteries. On the first smeltery, put iron ingots, copper dust and iron dust in its output node. That smeltery will produce nickel ingots. For the second one you want to put nickel ingots, copper dust and iron dust in its output node in order to smelt them to cobalt ingots. For the third and final smeltery you will have to put nickel ingots, cobalt ingots, iron dust and aluminium dust in the output node. This smeltery will now produce magnets. As nickel and cobalt ingots are used both in the magnet smeltery and the autocrafter for electromagnets later on, you should put the input nodes for those smelteries on round-robin mode. All of these materials will also be used in auto-crafters, so put all the input nodes from this step on smart-filling mode!
Step 5: Crafting the Batteries and Electromagnets
The last step of the electromagnet production is combining all the materials. To do so, you will need to manually craft them. Add the crafted batteries into a chest! Now, send those over to the next chest with nickel ingots, cobalt ingots and batteries. Now you have all the items in one place to craft your electromagnets. You are now done with automating electromagnets! Send them to your storage and you will produce enough for you to craft any machines you’d like!
Created by Crazeh_x
Reworked by marvjosh
Last updated